
Diary of first time father Alan Beck (previously Gasolineros guitarist)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Nearly there...

As John Cale once memorably said as Waldo Jeffers quivered with excitement, it would be soon. [www.123lyrics.net/v/velvet-underground/the-gift.html]

Right now, I'm waiting for Hiltongrove to send me back the pdfs of the album artwork for proofing, before our limited edition UK run of the album goes to the presses. Pre-sales are going well, and with any luck we might be able to pay off the lawyer's bill it's taken us to get this far. It's not all coke and hookers, y'know?

Down under, Baria have secured a release slot for distribution, although we still don't know when that is, but the wheels, it seems are finally rolling. And with any luck, the ending to this tale will be better than Waldo's.

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